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Sarilchak is one of the famous village of india. Srilchak is situated in Nalanda district of Bihar state.
It is situated near the Nalanda ruin where many tourist come.It is surrounded with tourist places like kundalpur(Birth place of god Mahavira),Famous Nalanda
university, Nalanda ruin, Naulakha( where Hain-san came).Many
famous persons have visited the sarilchak like famous Economist Joseph
Stiglitz came here for Mushroom and Vermicompost of Sarilchak, Bihar
chiefminister Nitish kumar also came here to see the Mushroom of
many government officers also came here regurly.
75% people of this village is belonging to farmer and remain people do other activities.
In 2013, many farmer adopted the modern technique of farming their yield is also so better than before.
Nowadays they using SRI VIDHI to grow rice, wheat etc and also started to use organic farming
in their field. Farmer of this village mainly grow rice, wheat, groundnut, mustard, corn, tomato, moong etc.
MUSHROOM is very famous in
Sarilchak, womens of this village grow mushroom in their home.
Many farmers grow Mushroom in their home. They grow many varities of
Mushroom like Oester, Button, Milky white etc. They also give training
other women who does not know to grow Mushroom.
Many people have animal in their home like cows, buffaloes, goats for
milk purpose, and a milk samiti where all people sends their milk when
Government also helps the people in dairy farming.
There is a primary school in the village where all small child go for
study.The literacy rate of this village is so good, every child of this
village attend school.
Nice village